A Guide to ARC Code of Business Conduct
Integrity is at the heart of our business. The ARC Code of Business Conduct (the Code) defines what integrity means for our business, offers detailed guidance and provides examples to help you when you are confronted with challenging situations in your daily work. This short-form guide is intended to highlight some principles of the Code that are of particular relevance to the majority of ARC employees in their day-to-day routine. Please note, however, that this does not replace the Code itself and that you should still familiarize yourself with the Code.
1. Diversity, Fairness and Respect
- We respect the dignity, privacy, and personal rights of every individual.
- We pride ourselves on the diversity in ethnic backgrounds, cultures, religions, ages, disabilities, races, sexual identity, world view and gender of our workforce.
- We always treat each individual equally without regard to any of these characteristics.
- We do not tolerate any acts of harassment, bullying or unwelcoming behavior creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
2. Occupational Health & Safety
We always prioritize occupational health and safety of every individual and apply the following rules:
- Safety Provisions – Do not override or interfere with any safety provision nor allow anyone else to override or interfere with them.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Always use the personal protective equipment assigned for a specific task.
- Isolation and Lock Out – All instructions and procedures must always be followed.
- No Alcohol or Drugs – No person may work if under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Reporting Culture – All injuries and incidents must be reported.
3. Information Systems, E-mail and Social Media
- We may never use our communications systems or assets to engage in prohibited conduct, such as communicating or viewing discriminatory, harassing, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or inappropriate material.
- When sending and receiving messages, e-mails and attachments we apply the same standards of care as used in hard-copy communications.
- We think carefully before posting images or text involving work colleagues or ARC on social media platforms.
- We do not use or copy software from ARC IT systems for private purposes and refrain from installing private software at the workplace or on company hardware, unless specifically authorized by the responsible Management.
4. Protection of the Environment
- We work to conserve our natural resources like water, oil and gas and to reduce hazardous wastes and emissions from our business processes.
- We handle any generated waste safely, responsibly and in compliance with all applicable law.
- In order to contribute to the prevention of global warming, we will strive to reduce the greenhouse gas emission as required under the appropriate regulations.
- In all aspects of our corporate activities, we will endeavor to conserve and recycle our resources and energy, and take measures to reduce waste and to efficiently use our resources and energy.
5. Protection and Preservation of Corporate assets
- We apply ARC’s physical assets, such as equipment, material and facilities only for appropriate business purposes.
- We assume responsibility for ARC’s business assets and safeguard them from theft, loss, misuse and waste.
- We protect ARC’s confidential data, information, know-how and intellectual property.
- It is also our responsibility to protect the information entrusted to us by our suppliers, customers and other business partners as carefully as we protect our own information.
- We may only share confidential or proprietary information with others who have a legitimate business need to know, whether inside or outside of ARC.
6. Conflicts of Interest
- We make business decisions in the best interest of ARC, not based on our own personal interests.
- We promptly inform all concern persons of any personal interest we could possibly have in connection with the execution of our professional duties.
- We never use ARC property or information for personal gain or take personal advantage of any opportunity that arises in the course of our work for ARC.
- We do not assume outside employment that interferes with our ability to fulfill our job duties at ARC.
7. Anti-Corruption, Gifts and Hospitality
- We do not bribe anybody, anytime, for any reason.
- We do not accept or offer kickbacks, even if moderate in value.
- We never give or receive advantages while being in business negotiations, tender processes, and the like with third parties.
- We may provide business courtesies but only infrequently and at moderate value.
- We never hire third parties to do something we are not allowed to do ourselves.
8. Dealing with Competitors, Suppliers and Customers
- We compete for our customers on the basis of value and quality of our products, services and offerings.
- We do not share competitively sensitive information (e.g. price, costs, market distribution, etc.) with competitors, or coordinate or agree with competitors on prices, customer or market allocation, or supplier or customer boycotts.
- We do not enter into a business arrangement or pursue a strategy with the sole purpose of harming a competitor.
- We do not abuse our strong position in any market to gain an unfair competitive advantage.